Eating For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an acute inflammatory disease caused by a spirochete, a bacterium that is commonly transmitted through ticks. If Lyme disease is recognized in the earlier stages, it can be cured with antibiotics. However, if it is not treated in an adequate amount of time, complications involving the joints, heart, and nervous system can occur. These symptoms are curable as well, and with proper nutrition, they effects can be minimized. Nutrition becomes an important aspect in healing Lyme disease indirectly by helping create a strong immune system. Eating the proper foods allows your body to receive an abundance of vitamins and minerals that it needs to keep it functioning properly.  Correct nutrition will help the body fight disease, keep it strong, and reduce the effects of other outside stressors, such as toxins.

Because Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease, it is recommended to begin an anti-inflammatory diet to counteract the inflammation. Chronic inflammation from Lyme disease is likely to cause swelling, joint pain, and inhibition of proper cell function. By avoiding foods that cause inflammation, such as grains, sugar, dairy, and legumes, and focusing on foods that fight inflammation, such as healthy fats, this can help fight the inflammation that is occurring and promote healthy cell function. About 70% of the immune system is based from the gut. With that being said, proper nutrition is key in promoting gut health. With a proper functioning gut that is not inflamed, this will help keep the immune system strong and readily able to fight Lyme disease with its symptoms. 

An anti-inflammatory diet is important when Lyme disease is present, and the top inflammatory to avoid is sugar. The bacteria that is present due to Lyme disease is highly attracted to sugar. Sugar increases the activity of this bacteria which causes inflammation and further increases the likelihood of pain and fatigue. Artificial sweeteners also have the same effect, so try opting out for unsweetened drinks, such as herbal teas, that can actually help reduce inflammation. In addition to drinking unsweetened beverages, the amount of water consumed is crucial. Water is necessary in order to remove any impurities and keep the body hydrated so it can function properly when fighting off the bacteria. 

Another common symptom of Lyme disease is the presence of food sensitivities due to the occurrence of leaky gut. Leaky gut can occur from the antibiotic use for Lyme disease which can allow for an overgrowth of harmful bacteria while decreasing the levels of helpful bacteria. When this happens, the tight junctions in the gut begin to break open, and food particles enter the blood stream. This causes the likelihood for different food sensitivities to increase. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet, this can help reduce the occurrence of leaky gut and the symptoms of Lyme disease. 


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